Cubes and squares are corrupting our minds! (THØRY)

Hello my name is Steven Bobbylope, and im here to tell you a chocking theory! But before I start, I will thank the theorists to this website for giving me such inspiration! Some of the best theories I know comes from this website!
Have you ever wondered why buildings become more and more simple? Or that we use so many cubes in math? Well guess who's fault that is! That's right, the cubes! Everyday our architects make more, and more boxy shaped houses! What's wrong with that you may ask. First off, the more you look at cubes, the more IQ you're about to lose! Second, since we see so many cubes in our everyday life, that means our world may start to become square! Ever played Minecraft? Minecraft is a game filled with cubish propaganda! In fact the creator Markus Notch is something you call a Cublek! The Cubleks are a secret organization that promote their evil cubish propaganda. Don't believe me? Ok first of your beloved Barack Obama actually got this letter that said:" Obama we're here to make the world a better and simpler place. How you may ask? Well we have to make the world a cube! Just like minecraft! Then we can control our subjects simple boxy mind, and rule the world!" Let's just hope he won't sign it! The second proof is this picture that appears for a nanosecond for each house commercial!
How can you fix this you ask? Ok get a ball, or cylinder shape house. Also all your items must not have a square shape. And last and most important step, try to avoid seeing square or rectangular shapes as much as possible!
That's all the information I have for now, but perhaps I can try to study more from these pesky Cubleks!